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The Relationship between Pre-intermediate EFL Learners` Personality Traits and their Willingness to Communicate.
The main aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between pre-intermediate EFL learners` personality traits and their willingness to communicate. The target population for the present study was pre-intermediate EFL learners, age range of 15 to 40 which 90 EFL learners established as the subjects of the study. The current study was a survey that was conducted in a language institute in Kerman, district 2. The questionnaires were given to the students with the permission of the manager. The main data collection instrument of present study was 2 questionnaires of Big 5 Personality Traits Questionnaire by Goldberg (1992) and Willingness to communicate questionnaire by Gutmann (2012). The study used both inferential and descriptive study to analyze the data using SPSS software version 24. The inferential data set to offer Pearson Correlation and Freedman test as well as chi-square. The results showed that there is a meaningful relationship between the learners’ personality traits and their WTC.
Personality traits, Willingness to Communicate, English
فهرست مطالب
1.2. Statement of the Problem.. 3
1.3. Objectives of the Study. 5
1.6. Significance of the Study. 6
1.8. Definition of the Key Terms. 7
1.9. Theoretical Framework of the study. 9
1.10. Limitations of the Study. 10
1.11. Delimitation of the study. 10
1.12. Outline of this thesis. 11
2.2.1. Definition of Personality. 13
2.2.2. History of Personality Traits. 14
2.2.3. Big five Personality traits. 15
2.2.4. Personality and academic achievement 18
2.2.5. Motivation and Academic Achievement 20
2.2.6. The Big Five Personality, Motivation and Academic Achievement 20
2.2.7. Individual Differences and language learning. 21
2.2.8. Empirical Studies on Personality Traits. 22
2.3. Willingness to Communicate. 26
2.3.1. Definition of Willingness to Communicate. 27
2.3.3. Linguistic Self-confidence. 30
2.3.5. Motivation and Attitudes. 37
2.3.6. Individual Differences and WTC.. 39
2.3.7. The Role of Cultural Context in WTC.. 40
2.3.8. Empirical Studies on Willingness to Communicate. 43
2.4. Empirical Studies on personality traits and WTC.. 53
3.4. Research Participants. 58
3.5. Data Collection Instruments. 58
3.5.1. Validity of the questionnaires. 60
3.5.2. Reliability of the questionnaires. 61
3.6. Data Collection Procedure. 62
4.2. Inferential Statistics. 65
5.2. Restatement of the Problem.. 75
5.4. Discussion of research hypothesis. 77
5.6. Implications of the Study. 80
5.7. Suggestions for Further Research. 80
Appendix A: Original Questionnaire. 100
Appendix B: Persian Translated Questionnaire. 104
List of Figures
2-1: MacIntyre et al.’s (1998) heuristic model of variables influencing WTC.. 30
2.2. Wen and Clément’s (2003) model of WTC for EFL students in China Not 42
4.1. Comparison between mean ranks of personality traits. 68
4.2. Comparison between mean ranks of Qualities. 70
4.3. Comparison between mean ranks of Factors. 72
List of Tables
3.1. Validity of questionnaires. 61
3.2. Internal Reliability of the questionnaire. 62
4.1. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test 65
4.2. one-sample statistics for the factors of personality traits. 66
4.3. The results of one-sample t-test 66
4.4. Ranks of personality traits. 67
4.5. Test Fridman Statistics. 67
4.6. one-sample statistics for the factors of WTC qualities. 68
4.7. The results of one-sample t-test 69
4.8. Ranks of WTC qualities. 69
4.9. Test Fridman Statistics. 70
4.10. Pearson correlation between WTC and personality traits. 71
4.11. Ranks of factors willing to speak. 71
4.12. Test Fridman Statistics. 72
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