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A comparative study on the use of listening strategies among adult and teenage EFL learners and their achievement in a language institute
The goal of this study was to explore the relationship between the listening strategies that were used by teenagers and adult EFL learners in their listening class and the relationship with their listening achievement in a language institute in Kerman. The goal was making clear if the use of particular strategies can have any impact on the listening achievement of the learners. Two groups established the participants of the study: adults and teenagers. To homogenize these candidates in both groups, Oxford Placement Test was administered. Based on the test of listening, the learners were classified into three groups of high, mid and low for both groups. For this study, three instruments were used to collect the required data: 1) Oxford Placement Test, 2) listening strategies questionnaire (Vendergrift, 1997) and 3) PET listening test. The questionnaire contained 21 items. Based on achieved data of the study, it was proved that the adult and teenager candidates used some listening strategies more than others. The mean score for direct attention category was calculated to be 4.63 for the adult learners. It means that the adult learners used more direct attention as the dominant listening strategy. Based on the ranks for each category, the first ranking was given to direct attention, the second to planning and the third to problem solving and the last to mental translation. As it was discussed before, in two cases, problem solving and mental translation, meaningful relationship could be observed between the levels and categories. In other words it was discussed that the three levels of teenagers responded differently to these two categories and they had different views towards them.
Listening Strategies, Listening Skill, EFL.
فهرست مطالب
1.2. Background of the study. 3
1.3. Statement of the problem.. 6
1.4. Significance of the study. 7
1.5. Objectives of the Study. 7
1.6. Theoretical Framework of the Study. 7
1.9. Definition of Key terms. 9
1.10. Limitations and Delimitations of the study. 10
Chapter Two : Literature Review
2.4. Listening Comprehension and Implications. 25
2.5. Processes for Comprehension. 27
2.6. Studies on Learning Strategies. 29
3.6. Data Collection and Analysis Procedures. 45
Chapter Four : Data Presentation and Discussion. 47
4.2. Normality of the data. 48
4.3. Research questions discussion. 49
Chapter Five : Results and Implications
5.3. Examining Research Hypotheses. 57
5.5. Pedagogical Implications. 60
5.6. Suggestions for Further Studies. 60
APPENDIX 1: Listening Strategy Questionnaire. 71
List of Figures
Fig. 2.1. Anderson’s comprehension model based on cognitive learning theory. 17
Fig 3.1. The age of the learners. 41
Fig 3.2. Level of learners. 42
List of Tables
Table 3.2. Listening level of the learners. 41
Table 3.3. subcategories of the questionnaire. 43
Table 3.4. reliability index of the questionnaire. 44
Table 4.1. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test 48
Table 4.2. Descriptive Statistics of listening strategy categories for adults. 49
Table 4.3. Descriptive Statistics of listening strategy categories for teenagers. 50
Table 4.4. One-sample statistics for the teenagers. 51
Table 4.5. One sample statistics for each level (teenagers). 51
Table 4.6: ANOVA Test for categories and three levels (teenagers). 51
Table 4.7. One-sample statistics for the adults. 52
Table 4.8. One sample statistics for the levels of adults. 52
Table 4.9: ANOVA Test for categories and three levels (adults). 52
Table 4.10. Relationship between adult and teenagers responses to categories. 53
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محصولات مشابه
فرمت فایل | word, pdf |
رشته | دبیری زبان انگلیسی |
تعداد صفحات | 86 |